Enemy of the State (1998)

Enemy of the State (1998) – The tagline of this movie is “it’s not paranoia if they’re really after you” or something to that effect. Some might look at this movie and see it as eerily prophetic of the USA PATRIOT Act era that came after the terrorist attacks of September 11. Surely what with … Continue reading

Moneyball (2011)

Moneyball (2011) – So I need to start this off with full disclosure: I am not a baseball fan. I root for the Giants, but that’s just due to my generally pro-San Francisco attitude. It’s not that I am totally against baseball. I enjoy games when I go to them (though it should be pointed … Continue reading

The Social Network (2010)

The Social Network (2010) — SECOND REVIEW [Blu Ray] A lot has been made since this film’s initial release about what really happened and what was invented.  Although I may sound like a broken record since I bring this up every single time such a “controversy” arises, who the hell cares?  A good movie is … Continue reading