Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) – In the 1940s, a company called Timely Comics (now known as Marvel Comics) had two big characters: the Human Torch and Namor the Sub-Mariner. They decided that the only natural thing to do was put them together and make them fight. The whole Marvel Universe was born in … Continue reading

Son of Frankenstein (1939) & The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)

I’ve been marathoning my way through the Universal Monster films of the 1920s-50s. By and large I’ve found them to be as excellent as I remember from my youth (in the early 90s, I was not yet born when they were made… hell, my dad wasn’t born when most of them were made). However as … Continue reading

The Wolf Man (1941)

The Wolf Man (1941) – Creighton Chaney decided to follow in the footsteps of his father Lon Chaney, the legendary “man of a thousand faces” famous for such films as The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera. The studio rechristened Creighton as Lon Chaney, Jr. and he often, as in The … Continue reading