Alien (1979)

Alien (1979) – So Starfleet is a pretty cool idea. I mean a sort of egalitarian organization that goes around exploring and keeping the peace. That’s part of the utopian vision of Star Trek. (Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, anyway, I don’t know so much about J.J. Abrams’s…) A lot of space-set science fiction tends to … Continue reading

Planet of the Apes (2001)

Planet of the Apes (2001) – Sigh… so one of the benefits of having the rather excellent Rise of the Planet of the Apes come out last year was that it would wipe the stain of this ill-conceived remake from our cultural memory. Not so much. It was on cable a little while back and my … Continue reading

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) – This article was originally published on on 5 August 2011 I know I’m not very creative with my article titles, but I really had to fight the impulse to just call this one “DAMN DIRTY APES!!!!” because that really is one of my favorite things … Continue reading