The Black Cauldron (1985)

The Black Cauldron (1985) – Behold! This is the movie that Walt Disney Animation tried to bury. It’s also one of the ones that I have a childhood connections to… but interestingly enough not due to the movie itself. I had a video game on my computer of this movie. It was odd and fairly … Continue reading

Batman Begins (2005)

Batman Begins (2005) – It was a dark time in our history after the debacle that was Batman & Robin. Eight long years passed with no Batman movie at all. There had been consideration of letting Joel Schumacher continue the franchise. There was the screenplay for Batman Triumphant, which would have featured the Scarecrow (Schumacher was … Continue reading

Batman & Robin (1997)

Batman & Robin (1997) – Sigh… so in the past couple years I have revisited a couple movies that I remember hating and finding out they weren’t quite as awful as they were in my memory (The Phantom Menace was by far the most surprising of these). So I have to admit I went into this … Continue reading

Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Forever (1995) – On the multi-part making-of documentary from the Batman 1989-1997 Anthology DVD box set, one “comic scholar” posits that the different styles the movies have adopted reflect different periods of the comic book which has, understandably for a series that’s been going 73 years and counting, gone through many different stylistic phases. It … Continue reading

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns (1992) – In recent reviews of Tim Burton movies, I’ve written about the difference between Burton the auteur and Burton the director-for-hire. Whichever one is working, his movies have a great signature look but Burton the auteur creates movies that have a level of depth. Burton-for-hire is just kind of phoning it in. Burton … Continue reading

Batman (1989)

Batman (1989) – Well given my reviews of all the Spider-Man movies a few weeks ago it should really be no surprise that with The Dark Knight Rises being all anyone’s talking about lately that I would go back to the start of the Batman franchise. Okay, technically not all the way back to the start. … Continue reading

Planet of the Apes (2001)

Planet of the Apes (2001) – Sigh… so one of the benefits of having the rather excellent Rise of the Planet of the Apes come out last year was that it would wipe the stain of this ill-conceived remake from our cultural memory. Not so much. It was on cable a little while back and my … Continue reading

Dark Shadows (2012)

Dark Shadows (2012) – I’ve always found daytime soaps to be rather ridiculous. I don’t know why that’s where I draw the line, while I do enjoy the “guilty pleasure” of weekly prime time soaps on networks like the CW, but I do. (Maybe production value.) However from 1966 to 1971, while other daytime soaps … Continue reading

The Wolfman (2010)

The Wolfman (2010) – (editorial note: I watched and reviewed this movie on 14 February 2010… I don’t know why but I seem to have overlooked it when copy/pasting all my old Facebook minireviews to this site.) Someone has their heart ripped out in this movie so I guess it was kind of appropriate viewing … Continue reading

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) – This article was originally published on on 5 August 2011 I know I’m not very creative with my article titles, but I really had to fight the impulse to just call this one “DAMN DIRTY APES!!!!” because that really is one of my favorite things … Continue reading