House – “Twenty Vicodin”

House – “Twenty Vicodin” The question that I keep asking year after year is “where does House go from here?” They write themselves into corners and then write themselves out so they can do the same exact show they have been doing for years. He went to rehab, he hooked up with Cuddy, he crashed … Continue reading

TRON: Legacy (2010)

TRON: Legacy (2010) — So this is a “just okay” movie that is elevated to “slightly above average” status by pretty pretty visuals and kickass music.  Everything in this movie looks awesome.  Garrett Hedlund plays Sam Flynn, son of the original’s main character Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges).  I might as well point out now that … Continue reading

Meandering [Slightly Drunken] Thoughts on the 2011 Emmys

So I figured if I’m going to blogging about television, I should probably weigh in on the Emmys. I realized this though as the Emmys were already in progress and I had been drinking (I started to sober up somewhere around the Drama categories). These are my meandering real-time thoughts as I watched the broadcast. … Continue reading