Peep World (2010)

Peep World (2010) – Every now and then you see a preview for a movie that looks great but has completely flown under everyone’s radar. Sometimes you find an unappreciated gem. Sometimes you find out exactly why it flew under of the radar. Peep World seems sort of in the vein of The Royal Tenenbaums … Continue reading

Dexter – “Those Kinds of Things”

Dexter – “Those Kinds of Things” We’re first treated to an in media res beginning with Dexter stabbed and called 911. How did we get to this point? How did Dexter lose the upper hand and find himself in such a precarious state? The paramedics show up and get needled. Turns out the beginning isn’t … Continue reading

Meandering [Slightly Drunken] Thoughts on the 2011 Emmys

So I figured if I’m going to blogging about television, I should probably weigh in on the Emmys. I realized this though as the Emmys were already in progress and I had been drinking (I started to sober up somewhere around the Drama categories). These are my meandering real-time thoughts as I watched the broadcast. … Continue reading

Gamer (2009)

Gamer (2009) — So my family and I went to see this.  My dad went because my mom and I wanted to see it.  My mom went because she had it confused with the upcoming Bruce Willis film Surrogates [she realized her mistake when a trailer for Surrogates ran before the movie].  So those were … Continue reading