Scream series

Slasher flicks thrived in the 1980s but a couple years into the 1990s the horror genre was in a noticeable decline. A screenwriter named Kevin Williamson decided that he wanted the final word on the slasher subgenre. He wrote a screenplay that was simultaneously a parody of and loving tribute to classic flicks like Halloween … Continue reading

Salt (2010)

Salt (2010) — So someone wants to kill the Russian president and start a war between Russia and America and though it’s not officially revealed until closer to the end of the film, I officially called it about 10 minutes in (and kind of had an inkling from the trailers). The movie tries for a … Continue reading

Taking Woodstock (2009)

Taking Woodstock (2009) — Far out, man.  I dug it.  While I don’t think I would have made a very good full-time hippie (I like bathing too much) I do sometimes feel cheated that I missed the whole free-spirited 60s thing.  I think I would have had an awesome time at Woodstock.  Unfortunately it happened … Continue reading