Originals Vs. Remakes: Slasher Edition

This article was originally published on 12ftdwende.com 2 April 2010. So I had a vague awareness of the Nightmare on Elm Street series as a small child. I would walk with great trepidation through the horror isle of the video store knowing that here were things not for young’ns like myself. I knew that there … Continue reading

Deja Vu All Over Again…

This article (a rare non-review) was originally published on 12ftdwende.com on 23 April 2010. I saw a movie this past week (actually three but only one is relevant to this particular op-ed). It was a madcap comedy about the many things that go wrong at a funeral. It is called Death at a Funeral and … Continue reading

Friday the 13th series

I love intelligent horror movies and wish there were more of them. But you know what? I love the dumb ones too. Maybe more. I have no intellectual defense of it, I just like it. I don’t like them “ironically.” I don’t even know what that means really. I am simply entertained. And for big … Continue reading

A Nightmare on Elm Street series

This article was originally published on 12ftdwende.com on 30 April 2010. So a few weeks ago I mentioned that my favorite of the cinematic boogeymen is Freddy Krueger. What can I say, he got me young. From the boxes in the video store to the bits and pieces I’d catch on late night television, that … Continue reading

Scream series

Slasher flicks thrived in the 1980s but a couple years into the 1990s the horror genre was in a noticeable decline. A screenwriter named Kevin Williamson decided that he wanted the final word on the slasher subgenre. He wrote a screenplay that was simultaneously a parody of and loving tribute to classic flicks like Halloween … Continue reading

21 Jump Street (2012)

21 Jump Street (2012) – I think there’s no better introduction for this movie than some dialogue that Nick Offerman (playing a police captain) has in his only scene in this movie. While talking about the undercover operation that forms the central premise of the movie he describes it as a program from the 80s. … Continue reading

Fright Night (1985 & 2011)

This article was originall published on 12ftdwende.com on 19 August 2011 I think remakes get a bad rap. It’s true that the sheer volume of remakes out there indicate a lack of originality in the film industry (or, more aptly, a lack of will to finance originality), but they’re not all bad. Three movies were … Continue reading

Swamp Thing (1982)

Swamp Thing (1982) – I am a fan of the Swamp Thing comics. I’m not just talking about Alan Moore’s acclaimed run on Saga of the Swamp Thing back in the 1980s. I’m not just talking about the awesome work Scott Snyder is doing on the title for DC’s New 52 relaunch. I’m talking about … Continue reading

Kaboom (2010)

Kaboom (2010) ORIGINAL FACEBOOK MINIREVIEW Okay so I think I might write an expanded review of this film for 12ftdwende.com (edit: and now I have, http://12ftdwende.com/family/?p=4722; further edit: that link is now dead) when it gets a wider release. (It’s currently playing in New York and Los Angeles and played the Sundance Film Festival; I … Continue reading

Black Christmas (1974)

Black Christmas (1974) — So Halloween is often credited with establishing the aesthetic of the slasher genre (though some argue that the genre itself goes back to Psycho in 1960).  Black Christmas came out in 1974, a full four years before John Carpenter “invented” the modern slasher movie.  Bob Clark (who later directed A Christmas … Continue reading