Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) — This article originally appeared on on 22 July 2011. As some of the greatest minds of our times once said “America… fuck yeah!” True, they said it in a marionette parody of ultra-reactive jingoism, but still: good sentiment. Whatever the reality of the country we live in, … Continue reading

Scream series

Slasher flicks thrived in the 1980s but a couple years into the 1990s the horror genre was in a noticeable decline. A screenwriter named Kevin Williamson decided that he wanted the final word on the slasher subgenre. He wrote a screenplay that was simultaneously a parody of and loving tribute to classic flicks like Halloween … Continue reading

Final Destination series

This article was originally published on on 12 August 2011. Sometimes you don’t need a guy in a hockey mask or the ghost of a murderer to haunt your dreams. Sometimes things like a mask of human skin and a chainsaw or an endless knowledge of slasher film trivia are just overkill. Sometimes all … Continue reading

Paul (2011)

Paul (2011) — So the first thing to get out of the way is you need to manage your expectations. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were the stars (and in Pegg’s case co-writer) of two of the very best movies of the 2000s: Shaun of the Dead & Hot Fuzz. Expecting Paul to be on … Continue reading

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) — The ensuing months have done nothing to diminish my love of this movie.  If you want to bitch about the lack of unique film-making these days, you better have seen this movie because when movies like this tank at the box office (as this one did) it doesn’t … Continue reading