Final Destination 5 (2011)

Final Destination 5(2011) – In know all the stuff about “sequels suck” and blah blah blah but the slasher genre isn’t exactly one that was overly sophisticated to begin with. The value in the sequels (and why slasher flicks are that rare genre where many sequels wind up being more entertaining than the original) is in … Continue reading

Final Destination series

This article was originally published on on 12 August 2011. Sometimes you don’t need a guy in a hockey mask or the ghost of a murderer to haunt your dreams. Sometimes things like a mask of human skin and a chainsaw or an endless knowledge of slasher film trivia are just overkill. Sometimes all … Continue reading

Hatchet II (2010)

Hatchet II (2010) – Usually the phrase “more of the same” is a bad thing… usually. Not always. Not this time. The first Hatchet was an awesome throwback to 1980s-style slasher movies. The gore is all old-school practical effects and none of that cartoony CGI shit. The lead actress of the original film, Tamara Feldman, … Continue reading