Total Recall (2012)

Total Recall (2012) – I like to imagine that the following scenario happened: a screenwriter had this idea, “okay, so a guy wants to get a fantasy vacation implanted and he describes his fantasy to the implanters and they discover that he already did those things!” Then someone tells him, “yeah, they already made that … Continue reading

Prince of Darkness (1987)

Prince of Darkness (1987) – So nowadays we’re always being inundated with trilogies, like with The Matrix films or the Dark Knight films. Hell it’s not a totally recent phenomena what with the original Star Wars trilogy (the only Star Wars that counts). What can be almost as interesting is a director’s thematic trilogy. These are … Continue reading

Originals Vs. Remakes: Slasher Edition

This article was originally published on 2 April 2010. So I had a vague awareness of the Nightmare on Elm Street series as a small child. I would walk with great trepidation through the horror isle of the video store knowing that here were things not for young’ns like myself. I knew that there … Continue reading

Deja Vu All Over Again…

This article (a rare non-review) was originally published on on 23 April 2010. I saw a movie this past week (actually three but only one is relevant to this particular op-ed). It was a madcap comedy about the many things that go wrong at a funeral. It is called Death at a Funeral and … Continue reading

Final Destination series

This article was originally published on on 12 August 2011. Sometimes you don’t need a guy in a hockey mask or the ghost of a murderer to haunt your dreams. Sometimes things like a mask of human skin and a chainsaw or an endless knowledge of slasher film trivia are just overkill. Sometimes all … Continue reading

Footloose (2011)

Footloose (2011) – Okay, I know I frequently talk about the 80s like it’s the greatest period of history ever and that every movie made in that decade is a classic worthy of your reverence and adoration, so it might come as a bit of a surprise that I consider the 1984 Kevin Bacon dance … Continue reading

Fright Night (1985 & 2011)

This article was originall published on on 19 August 2011 I think remakes get a bad rap. It’s true that the sheer volume of remakes out there indicate a lack of originality in the film industry (or, more aptly, a lack of will to finance originality), but they’re not all bad. Three movies were … Continue reading

The Thing (2011)

The Thing (2011) – John Carpenter’s 1982 thriller The Thing is one of my all-time favorite movies. That means I have a pretty strong bias and a natural predisposition to hate this movie. By comparison, it is nothing but a pale imitation. The suspense of Carpenter’s film (or Howard Hawks and Christian Nyby’s 1951 The … Continue reading

The Ward (2010)

The Ward (2010) – This movie has a “twist” ending and you can guess it pretty much from the beginning. I rolled my eyes and said “aw, man, in the end it’s going to turn out [REDACTED].” Surely enough it did turn out [REDACTED] but I didn’t mind so much as my eye-rolling predictions would … Continue reading

True Grit (2010)

True Grit (2010) — Well it doesn’t happen often that a remake is better than the original film (though with The Maltese Falcon, The Wizard of Oz, & The Thing it is not unprecedented) but here we have it.  That doesn’t diminish my love for Henry Hathaway’s film featuring the always-iconic John Wayne, but as … Continue reading