Conan series

This article was originally published on on 19 August 2011. I was just talking the other day with my friend Allison about books people expect you to have read (and how they are taken aback if you haven’t). There are millions of books out there and only so much time in the day. People … Continue reading

Final Destination series

This article was originally published on on 12 August 2011. Sometimes you don’t need a guy in a hockey mask or the ghost of a murderer to haunt your dreams. Sometimes things like a mask of human skin and a chainsaw or an endless knowledge of slasher film trivia are just overkill. Sometimes all … Continue reading

Idle Hands (1999)

Idle Hands (1999) – This article was originally publiced on on 10 June 2011 as part of a feature called “Guilty Pleasures.” As you may have noticed once or twice I will often point out the many flaws of a movie, sometimes going as far as to even call it a bad movie, then go … Continue reading

Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop (2011)

Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop (2011) – So if you really look at it, Conan O’Brien is a millionaire who quit after his less-than-satisfactory ratings caused NBC to try to move his show (and got several million more for doing so). Still, there’s really the overwhelming feeling like he got screwed. Leno’s ratings were worse than … Continue reading