Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) (& The Longest Daycare)

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) – So I’ve enjoyed the Ice Age franchise well enough, but I can’t say it grabbed me the same way more of Dreamworks’s stuff has, and nowhere near on the level of Pixar’s stuff. I enjoyed Rio from the same animation studio, Blue Sky. The story of Manny the mammoth (Ray … Continue reading

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Snow White and the Hunstman (2012) – Fairy tales were originally pretty dark. The little mermaid dissolves at the end of her story. Cinderella’s evil step sisters cut off their own toes to try to fit into the prince’s glass slipper. FUCKED-up things happen. (They weren’t named “Grimm” for nothing.) There are two movies this … Continue reading

Attack the Block (2011)

Attack the Block (2011) – I’d been hearing about Attack the Block for a while before I got around to seeing it. Most of what I was hearing was that it was a phenomenal alien invasion flick from the U.K. that was being unfairly under-marketed in the U.S. Plus it’s produced by Edgar Wright (and … Continue reading

The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

The Adventures of Tintin (2011) – So nothing about the trailer for this movie really grabbed me and said “JAKE, SEE THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW.” In fact most of it sort of indicated “wait for disc,” but there were some things that led me to believe there could be more to it than meets the … Continue reading

Pirate Radio (2009)

Pirate Radio (2009) aka The Boat that Rocked — I am a fan of British Invasion rock music from the 1960s as well as “sticking it to the man” stories so I suppose I was somewhat predisposed to enjoy this one. It’s lightweight fun, but I have to emphasize the fun part. Plus an excellent … Continue reading

Paul (2011)

Paul (2011) — So the first thing to get out of the way is you need to manage your expectations. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were the stars (and in Pegg’s case co-writer) of two of the very best movies of the 2000s: Shaun of the Dead & Hot Fuzz. Expecting Paul to be on … Continue reading

Hot Fuzz (2007)

Hot Fuzz (2007) — Fucking love this movie.  A Brit parody that doesn’t condescendingly mock so much as adoringly worship American cop action movies.  Who would have thought that the day would come when the Shaun of the Dead guys would give us a renewed appreciation for the trashy brilliance of Michael Bay’s Bad Boys … Continue reading