Moonraker (1979)

Moonraker (1979) – There is a certain logic that Hollywood likes to employ: if something works, do it again, but more so. This is a philosophy that sometimes works very well and that at other times backfires spectacularly. I said in my review of The Spy Who Loved Me that I considered one of the … Continue reading

Batman & Robin (1997)

Batman & Robin (1997) – Sigh… so in the past couple years I have revisited a couple movies that I remember hating and finding out they weren’t quite as awful as they were in my memory (The Phantom Menace was by far the most surprising of these). So I have to admit I went into this … Continue reading

Prince of Darkness (1987)

Prince of Darkness (1987) – So nowadays we’re always being inundated with trilogies, like with The Matrix films or the Dark Knight films. Hell it’s not a totally recent phenomena what with the original Star Wars trilogy (the only Star Wars that counts). What can be almost as interesting is a director’s thematic trilogy. These are … Continue reading

Rango (2011)

Rango (2011) – The following review first appeared as part of a larger article (“Now in Theaters”) on on 11 March 2011. Speaking of better movies that cost less than a 3D movie… I fucking loved this one. There’s been kind of a kickass trend of live action director’s taking their skills to animation. … Continue reading

Super 8 (2011)

Super 8 (2011) – This article was originally published on on 10 June 2011 I, like everyone, have a certain sense of nostalgia about the way things used to be. Now I think there are a lot of great movies out there. I even think there are a lot of great movies for families … Continue reading

John Carter of Mars (2012)

John Carter of Mars (2012) – (All the advertisements and publicity are referring to this movie as John Carter [even imdb!] but the title as shown onscreen during the movie is John Carter of Mars, so that’s how I’m referring to it.) The trailers to this film have been playing up “before Avatar, before Star … Continue reading

If I had my own damn Award Show…

Well, the Oscars are coming up in a couple days. I’ll get my picks and predictions and whatnot posted Sunday morning and then try to do some sort of real-time reaction thing like I tried doing with the Emmys a while back… In the meantime I figured I’d chime in with what I actually thought … Continue reading

Air Force One (1997)

Air Force One (1997) – Right after watching As Good as it Gets on cable I saw there was another movie from 1997 starting up… one that while perhaps not as critically acclaimed kicked a substantially higher volume of ass. Wolfgang Petersen’s Air Force One is the kind of action movie I grew up on. … Continue reading

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) – I read an article the other day that said that Chris Brown will be appearing on an upcoming single by Rihanna. I thought “girl, what is wrong with you? That guy beat the shit out of you and you’re working together?” If I may deeply offend my … Continue reading

The Woman in Black (2012)

The Woman in Black (2012) – I’m a horror geek. One of the great things about horror geekdom is that there are so many different corners of it that you can discover. Subgenres within subgenres. One of the corner of that is Brit horror (horror flicks from the U.K. for those who need self-explanatory things … Continue reading