Aliens (1986)

Aliens (1986) – Sequels suck, or so they say. I personally believe that blanket statements are always wrong. ALWAYS. (See what I did there?) Obviously, everyone can come up with exceptions to the “sequels suck” rule. The Godfather Part II won the Academy Award for Best Picture and is considered by many (yours truly included) … Continue reading

Conan series

This article was originally published on on 19 August 2011. I was just talking the other day with my friend Allison about books people expect you to have read (and how they are taken aback if you haven’t). There are millions of books out there and only so much time in the day. People … Continue reading

Ted (2012)

Ted (2012) – I had a teddy bear growing up. His name was Teddy (I’m the creative type). He was my best friend and truth be told, I still kept him around longer than most kids do (not like in junior high or anything like that but still). He sits on a shelf in my … Continue reading

A Nightmare on Elm Street series

This article was originally published on on 30 April 2010. So a few weeks ago I mentioned that my favorite of the cinematic boogeymen is Freddy Krueger. What can I say, he got me young. From the boxes in the video store to the bits and pieces I’d catch on late night television, that … Continue reading

An Open Letter to James Cameron

The following article was originally published on on 19 March 2010. Dear Mr. Cameron, Firstly: big fan. Seen most of your movies (have yet to track down Piranha II: The Spawning, but will most definitely get around to it) and have enjoyed all I have seen. I know I am a lowly community college … Continue reading

John Carter of Mars (2012)

John Carter of Mars (2012) – (All the advertisements and publicity are referring to this movie as John Carter [even imdb!] but the title as shown onscreen during the movie is John Carter of Mars, so that’s how I’m referring to it.) The trailers to this film have been playing up “before Avatar, before Star … Continue reading

Terra Nova – “Genesis”

Terra Nova – “Genesis” Steven Spielberg playing with dinosaurs again like in Jurassic Park. Stephen Lang back in another hostile environment with dangerous creatures like in Avatar. The survivors of a dying Earth starting anew in an untamed wilderness like the short-lived mid-90s series Earth 2. In a lot of ways Terra Nova seems to … Continue reading

Avatar (2009)

Avatar (2009) — SECOND REVIEW [Blu Ray] So I saw this movie for the first (and until now only) time almost a year ago on IMAX in 3D.  Now that the deluxe super tricked-out blu ray edition has come out the time came to see if it held up at home in one less dimension.  … Continue reading

How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

How to Train Your Dragon (2010) — As much as I bitch about Spongebob, Hannah Montana, and the sorry state of children’s entertainment nowadays, movies like this prove that there’s still a place for quality.  If kids today are anything like I was, then they like movies that give them credit for a modicum of … Continue reading